Check rule [<Domain\SearchUser>] for [OSearch15] on [SP-Server]
Rule Name: Check login permission to services for current user
Required Permissions: Local Administrator
Comment: Der Objektverweis wurde nicht auf eine Objektinstanz festgelegt
Check rule [Whether can browse in VSS List] for [IndexComponentGroup_<GUID>]
Rule Name: Check VSS component in browser list
Required Permissions: The component is in the browser list
Comment: VSS writer cannot browse the backup component „IndexComponentGroup_<GUID>“ on the Agent server „<SP-Server>“. Ensure that the logon user of the service „SharePoint Server Search 15“ is a member of the local Administrators group, and that the logon user of the service Volume Shadow Copy is a Local system account, and then confirm that the component „IndexComponentGroup_<GUID>“ is in the Stable state.
Check rule [Writer state] for [OSearch15] on [SP-Server]
Rule Name: Check VSS writer state
Required Permissions: Stable State
Comment: The current state of the VSS writer ID „0ff1ce15-0201-0000-0000-000000000000“ on the Agent server „<SP-Server>“ is OSearch15 VSS Writer. Please ensure that the logon user for the service „SharePoint Server Search 15“ is a member of the local Administrators group, and that the logon user for Volume Shadow Copy is a local system account… To verify whether or not the state of the writer „OSearch15 VSS Writer“ is Stable, run cmd.exe as administrator. Enter the following cmdlet: vssadmin list writers, and press Enter.
Der Objektverweis wurde nicht auf eine Objektinstanz festgelegt
DocAve zeigt in den Job Details die aufgeführten Fehlermeldungen und den Status Failed.
- Check rule [<Domain\SearchUser>] for [OSearch15] on [SP-Server]
- Rule Name: Check login permission to services for current user
- Required Permissions: Local Administrator
- Comment: Der Objektverweis wurde nicht auf eine Objektinstanz festgelegt
- Check rule [Whether can browse in VSS List] for [IndexComponentGroup_<GUID>]
- Rule Name: Check VSS component in browser list
- Required Permissions: The component is in the browser list
- Comment: VSS writer cannot browse the backup component „IndexComponentGroup_<GUID>“ on the Agent server „<SP-Server>“. Ensure that the logon user of the service „SharePoint Server Search 15“ is a member of the local Administrators group, and that the logon user of the service Volume Shadow Copy is a Local system account, and then confirm that the component „IndexComponentGroup_<GUID>“ is in the Stable state.
- Check rule [Writer state] for [OSearch15] on [SP-Server]
- Rule Name: Check VSS writer state
- Required Permissions: Stable State
- Comment: The current state of the VSS writer ID „0ff1ce15-0201-0000-0000-000000000000“ on the Agent server „<SP-Server>“ is OSearch15 VSS Writer. Please ensure that the logon user for the service „SharePoint Server Search 15“ is a member of the local Administrators group, and that the logon user for Volume Shadow Copy is a local system account… To verify whether or not the state of the writer „OSearch15 VSS Writer“ is Stable, run cmd.exe as administrator. Enter the following cmdlet: vssadmin list writers, and press Enter.
vssadmin list writers
in der Powershell wird KEIN Eintrag mit „OSearch15 VSS Writer“ angezeigt.
Search in die lok. Administrator-Gruppe
- Das Service-Konto, unter welchem die Suchdienste laufen, in die lokale Administrator-Gruppe auf allen SP-Servern einfügen.
- Dienste neu starten:
get-service OSearch15, SPSearchHostController, vss | restart-service
- Prüfen, ob der VSS Writer nun in der Liste vorhanden ist und das Backup durchläuft.
Evtl. kann man jetzt das Konto für den Suchdienst aus der Gruppe der lok. Admins entfernen.
- ID: 8213 – Fehler im Volumeschattenkopie-Dienst: Ein Prozess, der als Host des Verfassers „OSearch15 VSS Writer“ mit Kennung „{0ff1ce15-0201-0000-0000-
000000000000}“ fungiert, wird unter einem Benutzerkonto mit unzureichenden Berechtigungen ausgeführt